Blogs Sep 30, 2024

解读国际搬家保险 Intl. Moving Insurance Q & A

Many people find themselves confused by the complexities of international moving insurance terms and forms. They’re unsure how to interpret the details, which key points to focus on, and what questions to ask in order to assess justify. This article will break down these concerns into 11 key areas to help you gain a clearer understanding.



Lump-sum Insurance or Itemized Insurance?

They both have a fair share of advantage and disadvantage, it depends on what you are using them for.

  • Itemized Insurance would request to list “everything” which sounds time-consuming, but it might cost less than Lump-sum.

  • Lump-sum, which goes with a defined Minimum Value per Cubic Meter (for conciseness, we use MVP as abbreviation in this article) plus High Value (HV as abbreviation) as total declared goods value, is usually saving time because only HV list is required. However, for most shipments, the costs might be more expensive because MPV might be higher than the actual value and only favors the insurer.

  • When comparing Lump-sum, many people tend to focus primarily on premium rates, which is understandable. However, it’s equally important to consider the MVP and HV threshold. A lower MVP generally means lower overall costs for the insured. Similarly, a higher HV threshold results in lower premiums for high-value items.

  • For instance, a Lump-sum policy with MVP $3,000 offers more savings compared to one with a $4,000.

  • Likewise, if a policy has a HV threshold of $1,000, it will incur higher additional premiums for high-value items compared to a policy with a $2,000 HV threshold. This is because the lower HV threshold means more of the insured amount falls into the HV category, leading to higher premiums.



  • 逐项申报保险会要求列出“所有物品”,感觉更为耗时,但可能比一次性保险便宜。

  • 一揽子保险,以定义的每立方米最低价值(为防止冗长本文缩写为 MVP)加上高价值物品(缩写为 HV)作为货物申报总价值,通常可以节省时间,因为投保人只需要列明 HV 清单,但对于大多数货物而言,费用可能会更高。因为MVP的定价标准可能远远高于实际情况,只对保险公司有利。

  • 在比较一次性保险时,许多人往往主要关注保费率,这是可以理解的。但是,考虑 MVP 和 HV 门槛也同样重要。较低的 MVP 通常意味着投保人的总成本较低。同样,较高的 HV 门槛会导致高价值物品的保费较低。

  • 例如,MVP为 4,000 美元的,MVP 为 3,000 美元的一次性保险可以节省更多。

  • 同样,如果保单的 HV 为 1,000 美元,与 HV 门槛为 2,000 美元的保单相比,它对高价值物品产生的额外保费更高。这是因为,较低的 HV 门槛意味着更多的物品需要申报 HV 类别,从而HV总金额进一步让保费水涨船高。


Do I list everything?

The answer for Itemized Insurance is yes, It might sound very difficult but when you list everything by going through each location/room of house, it would be just as easy as 20–40 minutes.  You may break down the task like this: 

  • Write down bulky and high value first : List each room/location furniture and high value first, you find each room takes you maximum 5 minutes. 

  • Write down small things later: Write down small things later such as kitchen, books, clothes, shoes.

  • Should I count every small item? In theory, it's ideal to list everything precisely, but in practice, that can be difficult. Most insurers would accept your best estimate of the total amount.

    However, it's important to list high-value items separately. For example, if you have a Louis Vuitton bag worth $4,000, you shouldn't group it with a $400 bag, as this would significantly undervalue the more expensive one and affect your claim if any. 

  • In other words, if the value of an item is inconsistent with similar items, especially if it is too high, you should consider listing it separately.

Under Lump-sum, the answer is no, but to list HV goods, and your insurance policy would define “HV” threshold.

It's significant to note that whether you choose Itemize or Lump-sum, there are certain items that both the moving company and the insurer will refuse to handle or insure. These include, but are not limited to: cash, jewelry, watches, collectibles, irreplaceable documents, ivory and related products, as well as other items prohibited under international agreements. The exact list of exclusions may vary slightly depending on the specific terms of the insurance policy.


对于逐项申报保险来说答案是肯定的,虽然听起来任务“艰巨”、相当费时,但是当您通过分解任务每个房间的列出物品,然后逐个房间填写申报,可能总共只会花费 20-40 分钟完成。


  • 首先写下每个房间大件家具和高价值物品,您会发现每个房间最多需要 5 分钟。

  • 稍后写下小东西:接着写下厨房、书籍、衣服、鞋子等小物件。




但是,“HV”高价值物品,要特别注意,例如,如果您有一个价值 4,000 美元的 Louis Vuitton 包,它不应将其与价值 400 美元的包放在一起申报,因为这样LV包会被“平均”,4000美元的价值会变成2200美元,这样会很大程度的影响可能发生的理赔。





How to define goods value?

It's quite common for the insured to say they don't know the value of their goods, and many may even claim their items have “no value.”

Some might also say their belongings hold more sentimental value.

Nevertheless, this is not the way the insurance works.

Under an Itemized Policy, most insurers/underwriters would only provide one methodology to define value: “Destination Replacement Value.” In other words, the insured should think about the cost of buying a new item at the destination when declaring the value and as such, using a depreciated value is incorrect.

For Lump-Sum Policy, the minimum requirement is based on MVP. 

If the insured believes their goods are worth more than the set MVP, they can request an increase.





逐项申报的保险政策下,几乎所有的保险公司只有一种定义价值的方法:“目的地重置价值”。换句话说,投保人在申报价值时应该考虑在目的地购买新物品的成本,可以简单好记的理解为”换新价“, 所以使用折旧后残值申报并不合适。

对于一揽子保险,估价的最低要求是根据体积和MVP 另加HV。



Can I use my own form?

At times, you may find the insurer's form too restrictive or cumbersome to use, especially if you already have your own property inventory or valuation list from a previous move. In many cases, you might be allowed to use your own form, as it can save time.

However, you will likely need to make adjustments to your form to meet the insurer's requirements and still agree to their policy terms by, for example, signing the policy and form. Don’t worry about the adjustments — they usually require minimal effort and are not too time-consuming.





What happens if my goods undervalued ?

If the insured goods have been undervalued, the claim would be at the same percentage averaged. It means for example if goods declared at only 50% of it should be, the final claim will be also paid 50% of what it should be (some may call it co-insurance penalty). It also limits the maximum that the insurer could compensate when total lost /missing happens. Therefore, undervaluing your goods might not save you cost.



意思就是,比如,如果货物申报价值仅为应有价值 50%,最终理赔金额也会是应有理赔额度的 50%(有些人可能称之为共同保险罚款)。



Storage Insurance?

Storage insurance is a type of moving insurance that many insured and even movers tend to overlook, but it’s crucial to have.

It mainly provides risk protection for goods requiring short term storage during transit.

Although many (not all)  international moving insurance policies include some period of storage coverage during transit, both the insured and movers should be careful not to miss extending the storage insurance. Failing to extend it can void the entire international moving insurance policy. 

Therefore, it's wise to confirm whether your international moving insurance policy includes storage insurance, how long the coverage lasts, and the cost of any extensions. If storage insurance is not included, you should inquire about the rates.








Any additional insurance coverage to review?

There are three common additional coverages, some insurance policy would include them free of charge, some with extra charges and some do not at all!

  • Pairs and Sets

    In general, it means If any part of a matching set or a pair of items (like a pair of lamps or a dinnerware set) is damaged during the move, the underwriter/Insurance company will cover the cost of replacing the entire set. Even if only one item is damaged. The value of the set is diminished without the complete pair or set.

  • Mechanical, electrical, or electronic derangement

    Refers to an internal malfunction in an electric device, like a washing machine or television, where the components fail without any visible external damage. The device have been working fine before packing and moving, but stops functioning properly upon delivery.

  • Mold and Mildew

    The insurance coverage that may provide protection against mold or mildew damage if caused by a covered event, but often excludes damage from neglect, flooding, or long-term moisture issues.

So our suggestion is first to verify if they are available and if yes, whether they are chargeable, and then review and clarify the exact written policy about. Because they only work with strict conditions.

For example, Mold and Mildew may not cover poor maintained like clothes and linens, being unclean and with heavy humidity before packing.













When to report a claim ?

Insurance company would only allow within a set period of delivery to report claim, it varies from 40 days -60 days depending on policy. 

It is highly suggested to report immediately whatever damage you have, regardless if you have fully unpacked everything, or if you don't have full documents to file the claim. 

It is very commonly seen that not all deliveries are requested full unpacking, but it is highly recommended to unpack at least all furniture, valuables and fragile with witness and record of movers.  

Do not worry about not getting all done once with your claim. Most underwriters nowadays handles claim online with unique portal, it offers web flexibility to maintain claim along unpacking process goes. It means you can keep uploading new findings with the portal. The key is to create a claim first (this is kind of “reporting a claim”) and submit later but within requested time. 

You may immediately inform your mover (the one you made contract, and you paid the insurance cost through), who usually has the precise guide of claim. Your movers are anyway involved to provide shipping documents, such as bill of lading, to validate your claim. Their awareness would help facilitate the whole process.


保险公司只允许在送货后的一定时间内报告索赔,根据政策不同,期限从 40 天到 60 天不等。但是我们一般强烈建议您立即报告所遭受的任何损失,无论您是否已完全拆开所有包装,或者您没有准备好完备的文件来提出索赔。







Will a third-party investigation be required for my claim?

Most moving claims are with just some minimum damage. The insured will not be supported to request full amount compensation of declared amount but a repairable amount. At the underwriter's discretion, the insured should provide a repair estimate. A repair estimate should be done by a reliable third party in the local area.  

Sometimes, the insured, finds nowhere to find a repairing company to do such estimate. He may reach out to the underwriter, who might have the network to supply a company doing that. 

With the development of technology, more and more repair estimates can even be completed virtually, which not only saves travels costs, but also breaks through geographical restrictions and increases the options for repair firms.

If necessary, the insurance company/underwriter may arrange for independent surveys based on the size or type of your claim. They have the right, at their discretion, to either replace the damaged item with one of similar type and quality, repair it, or provide a cash settlement, which will not exceed the insured value.

From practice, third party are only involved when the claim is huge and requires further information to justify the amount.








All-risk does not mean all covered

Even if you're offered a moving proposal with “all-risk” insurance, it doesn’t mean you’re 100% covered, as every insurance policy comes with exceptions and exclusions. The insured should carefully review the policy, especially the exclusions, some of which may be unexpected.

Here are two common exclusions that might surprise you:

  • Some policies won’t cover damage to pressed wood, even if it may be caused by an external physical incident, as part of “all-risk”.

  • Other policies may exclude coverage for any (external and internal)damage to televisions.

  • Self packed boxes (known as "PBO” ,packed by owner”) are excluded,


即使你得到提供“全险”搬家保险的方案,也并不意味着您理赔能得到100% 的得到赔偿,因为每份保单都有例外和排除条款。投保人应仔细查看保单,尤其是排除条款,其中一些条款可能出乎你的常识预期。


  • 有些保单不承保压缩板材的损失,即使它是由外部物理事件造成的,作为“全险”的一部分。

  • 有些保险则将电视机的一切破损排除,不予承保。

  • 客户自行打包的物品不予承保。


Can I throw away my damaged items?

The answer is NO!

Like many property insurance, you should never dispose of damaged property without getting written approval from your insurer.

Why not?

Salvage: In many cases, insurers have the right to salvage the damaged item. Even if it’s in bad shape, the item may still have some value that the insurer can recover. Throwing it away might prevent the insurer from recouping those costs.

Claim Processing: Accurate documentation—such as photos, assessments, or an in-person inspection—helps ensure your claim is handled properly. If you get rid of the item too soon, it may interfere with the adjuster’s evaluation or even cause your claim to be denied.

Always check with your insurer before taking any action with damaged property to make sure you're following the terms of your policy.

That said, if the items are completely ruined, and you have nowhere to store them, contact your insurer for guidance. They may offer alternative solutions,especially in some water damage insurance cases, the items may have become moldy and smelly, and the keeping it is obviously unreasonable. 

Finally, taking photos and videos as evidence when such incidents occur can greatly protect the interests of the goods owner.











 “Mini storage” may not be covered?

All-risk moving and storage insurance often do not cover any incidents happens when goods stored in mini storage facilities for several reasons:

Security Concerns: Most mini storage facility offer full accessibility to goods owner with unit key, this might have made insurer to believe it is more vulnerable to theft or vandalism. 

Environmental Controls: Many mini storage units do not offer proper climate control, increasing the risk of damage from humidity, temperature changes, or pests, which may not be acceptable to insurers.

Professional Handling: Mini storage facilities typically don't provide professional handling when moving goods in and out. In contrast, mover-operated storage facilities have trained staff and proper handling equipment. This reduces the risk of human error and negligence, which can be higher in a self-storage facility.

However, these may be the conclusions of the insurers' stereotype about mini-storage companies. In fact, in many emerging markets, such as the China market, the mini-storage facilities and equipment have met or even completely exceeded the insurance companies' requirements in my opinion. Perhaps the insurance companies' policy needs to keep pace with the times, at least they should consider special cases and special approvals.

For the insured, it is very important to verify this clause before purchasing. If the mini storage is indispensable but for the exclusion clause, the insurer can provide the operator information and attempt to apply for special approval.








Moving internationally involves numerous details, and insurance is a key aspect to ensure peace of mind during the process. While we are not insurance experts, as movers, the answers we've compiled to some frequently asked questions about international moving insurance to help guide you in general. Please note, these responses are meant to provide general insight and are not official advice. For precise information, we encourage you to contact your insurance provider directly.
