Blogs Jul 31, 2024

Q&A of Pre-move Survey|搬迁勘察问答


What is a Pre-move Survey (PMS)?

A pre-move survey is conducted by a movingcompany to assessthe items intended for relocation and estimate associatedcosts. Traditionally, these surveys involve representatives visiting your home.However, with advancements in digitalization, moving companies can now conductthorough inspections via video or virtual calls, ensuring accurate assessmentsremotely.


When should a PMS be done?

Typically, the earlier, the better! It's advisable to schedule a pre-move survey (PMS) at least one month before your planned moving day. This timeline allows ample opportunity for the moving company, your employer, or the main contractor of your relocation service to discuss moving logistics, costs, and coordinate necessary arrangements such as immigration and housing. Moreover, early scheduling facilitates obtaining moving authorization promptly, thus minimizing any potential delays to your relocation plans .


What do I  prepare before PMS?

  • Review the items you plan to move, especially large furniture pieces

  • For undecided items, tentative information suffices

  • Create a rough list of items for potential purchase (pending approval)

  • No need to pack or organize items before PMS; simply display what needs to move and what don't  

  • For small items like clothes and books, precise quantities aren't expected

  • Prepare any moving-related questions, understanding that some queries may require input from the main contractor or destination service provider


What does PMS exactly do?

Primarily, it involves conducting a thorough room-by-room walk-through to note items to move. This includes noting items, quantities, sizes, and distinguishing between large items like sofas, dining tables, and beds, as well as smaller items like books, clothing, toys, and kitchen utensils. Cooperation in opening cabinets, cupboards helps estimate the number and type of cartons needed. We also identify items requiring special protection, such as pianos, and complex installations like IKEA wardrobes. Additionally, we document and photograph intricate transportation needs such as stair carry and parking conditions. High-value or emotionally significant items are also noted. Subsequently, we coordinate the moving date and explain necessary documentation for China's export customs, including regulations on prohibited items such as air transport embargoed batteries. Please be aware that for customs clearance, original passports, visas, and departure tickets and departure itinerary are typically required, with a processing time of 3-5 working days only after packing and pickup. Hence, careful attention to itinerary planning is crucial.











  • 复盘你要搬迁的物品,特别是大件家具

  • 还没决定的物品可以以暂定的方式告知

  • 需要购买的物品可以准备一份大致的清单

  • 你不需要打包物品,也不需要特别的收拾整理,你能够做到按房间的描述展示需要搬运和无需搬运的物品即可

  • 限于搬家的特性,我们并不期待您精准的告知小件物品的数量,比如衣服、书籍的精准数量除非海关或相关政策另有规定

  • 准备你可能有的搬家的问题,但是有些问题我们可能无法当场回答,可能需要转至主承包商和或目的地服务商回答



  • 主要按房间浏览、记载要搬运物品的品名、数量、和尺寸,我们不仅需要

  • 记载大件物品诸如沙发、餐桌椅子、床等,

  • 也需要记载要搬运的小件物品,比如书籍、衣物、玩具、厨具、仓储杂物品-我们要您配合打开柜子方便我估算所需纸箱的数量和类型;

  • 我们也会记载需要定制木箱保护的物品比如钢琴;

  • 也会记载涉及复杂安装的家具物品比如宜家衣柜;

  • 会记载拍照复杂的搬运,比如楼梯搬运、吊运、 云梯、停车状况等,也会您的高价值物品或者个人感情上非常珍贵的物品。

  •  接着我们会和您商讨搬家日期以及讲解中国出口海关所需文件、海关禁运物品规定以及您公司可能涉及的禁运物品政策,比如空运禁运电池等 

  • 请注意绝大多数情况我们都需要护照原件和派遣国家的签证以及出发的机票或订票凭据安排报关,报关需要3-5个工作日,而且只能在打包提走物品后才能开始,因此您需要非常注意您的行程规划和安排