Blogs Jul 24, 2024

What is Air Chargeable Weight ?

In air freight, understanding the relationship between Actual Weight, Volumetric Weight, and Air Chargeable Weight is crucial. These concepts affect not only the cost of shipping but also the method ​of transportation.

In moving /relocation world, these concepts are confusing to assignees sometimes, hence we are coming up this article for you to better comprehend them.

What is Air Chargeable Weight ?

Air Chargeable Weight (known as ACW)is the weight used to calculate the shipping cost, which is the greater of the actual weight or the volumetric weight.

Airlines use this strategy to compensate for the space occupied by light but bulky cargo. The formula to determine the chargeable weight is:

{Air Chargeable Weight} = \max(\text{Actual Weight}, \text{Volumetric Weight}), Actual Weight, Volumetric Weight, whichever is greater.

Therefore, we need to understand what are Actual Weight and Volumetric Weight, and here are the answers.

Actual Weight

Actual Weight refers to the physical weight of the cargo, usually measured in kilograms (kg) or pounds (lbs). This is the weight determined when the cargo is placed on a scale.

Volumetric Weight

Volumetric Weight, also known as dimensional weight, is a calculated weight based on the cargo's volume using a standard conversion formula. Airlines use volumetric weight to assess the space occupied ​by the cargo. For light but bulky items, the volumetric weight may be higher than the actual weight. The formula for calculating volumetric weight is:

Here, 6000 is a commonly used conversion factor. Different airlines might use slightly different factors, such as 5000 or 7000. In moving and relocation, 6000 is mostly commonly used.

Alternatively, we could use this formula, which is much easier to use and memorize:

Volumetric Weight (kg)=Volume in Cubic Meters x 167.

Example of the Relationship

Assume there is a cargo with an actual weight of 240 kg actual as weight and dimensions of 120cm x 100cm x 160cm. The volumetric weight is calculated as:

or (1.2m x 1.0m x 1.6m)*167=320 kg

Therefore, the Chargeable Weight of this cargo is the latter of the Actual Weight and Volumetric Weight,

which is 320 kg.


Understanding the relationship between actual weight, volumetric weight, and air chargeable weight helps ​in accurately estimating air freight costs and choosing the appropriate shipping method. Actual weight is ​the real weight of the cargo, volumetric weight reflects the space it occupies, and air chargeable weight ​ensures fair billing by considering both weight and volume.

Generally speaking, light cargo is charged according to its Volume Weight, while heavy cargo is charged ​according to its Actual Weight.

In practice, most personal effects shipments are light goods, shipment size would matter eventually.


在航空货运中,了解实际重量(Actual Weight)、体积重量(Volumetric Weight)以及航空计费重量(Air Chargeable Weight)之间的关系至关重要。这些概念不仅影响运输成本,还决定​了货物的运输方式。


什么是航空计费重量(Air Chargeable Weight)



{空运计费重量} = \max(\text{实际重量}, \text{体积重量}),既,实际重量和体积重量中取较大者。


实际重量(Actual Weight)


体积重量(Volumetric Weight)


这里,6000 是常用的换算系数。不同的航空公司可能会使用略有不同的系数,例如 5000 或 7000。在搬迁货物中,6000 是最常用的。


体积重量(kg)=体积(以立方米为单位)X 167。


假设如下托盘货物的实际重量为 240 公斤,外径尺寸为 120 厘米 x 100 厘米 x 160 厘米。体积重量计算如下:

或者 (1.2米 x 1.0米 x 1.6米)*167=320 公斤




